Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Another Inconvenient Truth

The great thing about blogging is that I can gripe, complain and pontificate to my heart's content. This particular diatribe is aimed at our dysfunctional Congress.

First of all - an open note to the Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives. You people didn't get elected because we love you. You got elected because a large number of older, white, thoroughly pissed-off citizens drug ourselves out and voted for the least objectionable alternative.

But let's get real. Voting this time around was sort of like being forced to choose between drinking spoiled milk and drinking urine. You just hold your nose, close your eyes, and get it over with. Just because we voted for you doesn't mean we like you. It just means we opted for the spoiled milk.

I know you folks can't wait until January, so you can have control of everything. You're already formulating your great Machiavellian schemes to shame, embarrass, and frustrate the opposition - all the while laying the groundwork for the next election in two years.

Well, just forget it! You were hired to run the country, period. If you're so dense that you can't read the sentiment in the voting public this time around, I guarantee you that you're in for a real education in the next election.

Republicans talk endlessly about smaller government. That's like the couple who moans about how they're spending more than they earn, and trying to make up the difference by clipping coupons in the Sunday paper. Not a bad idea, but worthless in solving the real problem.

Democrats go on an on about inequality, devising ways to make the rich people pay for their social programs. That's called wealth redistribution. It's the business that Robin Hood was in.

Neither approach solves the real problem. We're spending more than we're taking in. And taxing the rich won't produce enough revenue to close the gap. There's only ONE real answer.

Jobs. When people work, they pay taxes and government doesn't have to support them. If the average tax rate is 20%, someone has to earn $5 to cover every $1 that government puts into social programs.

Therefore, it stands to reason that taking one person off of government support is equal to creating five jobs. Do the math. Take people off welfare. Put them to work. The economy automatically grows by leaps and bounds.

Once you get enough people working to generate sufficient taxes, and you pay off that huge deficit hanging over our heads, then you can knock yourselves out bickering about how to spend the excess.

Until then, shut up and do the job you were hired to do. If you don't, you'll be on the street the next time you come up for election.


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