Friday, November 16, 2012

Where in the world is Shiloh?

Short answer - it isn't.  Originally, in ages past, it was a name for a group of real-estate related businesses.  The email/twitter/blog name of shilohpubs is from the first of those companies - Shiloh Publications.  Time, the banks, and our wonderful government have managed to kill off all of those businesses, until only one remains - Shiloh Productions.

That name came about because I did sound production and training for a while.  It survived almost by accident, until eventually I decided to become a screenwriter.  Happy coincidence.

Now, Shiloh only exists as a magical place in my imagination.  And that's not a place that many would find comfortable, I'm sure. Thus, the birth of this blog.

I just need to rant sometimes, and this is the designated place.  If you decide to brave the foul winds that must by necessity blow from this quarter, then you might find some interesting or at least thought-provoking tidbits.  I'm likely to ramble, ponder, pontificate, and pound the table about many things, including:
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Real Estate
  • Screenwriting
  • Anything else that fascinates me, irks me, or otherwise becomes a target of my obsessions
So, if this sounds interesting, stay tuned.  Otherwise, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

Bye, now.  See you soon.

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